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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tough Questions? Or Stupid Questions?

By Rick Blumenberg @rickblumenberg
I have been an independent most of my life and have always voted for candidate rather than party. But the solidly pro-abortion democrats and their constant emphasis on solving all our problems with expensive government programs that obligate people to support them in order to survive (rather than becoming free and independent citizens) is driving me more and more into the republican camp.
Thinking about last night’s republican debate I’m reminded of a comment reported to have been made by CNBC spokesman Brian Steel:
"People who want to be President of the United States should be able to answer tough questions."
Here is my view of Mr. Steel’s comment.
It isn’t that the questions were tough. Mr. Steel. It’s that too many were irrelevant to the real issue, which should have been “What is your position on this important matter?” And “Why should we vote for you?” Some of the questions were clearly an attempt to show the candidates in a bad light and either bias the listeners against them, or gain standing for the moderators with their bosses and colleagues.
In too many cases they weren’t “tough” questions, they were “stupid questions”.
Note to the moderators at CNBC: It’s not about you!
Nobody cares what you think about the candidates.
What we care about is can you do your job effectively and professionally? Can you give information that provides insights to help us make sound judgments about who should be our next president? Should he or she come from the democratic or republican party?
Are there any issues where the party candidates (either democrat or republican) all agree? (Other than wanting to defeat the opposing party?)
Is there a clear difference between the two parties? I realize this will become more important once the two parties choose their candidate and his or her running mate. We need to know which party platform most fully resonates with us as citizens of these United States.
As I watched the last Democratic Debate my thought was that I wouldn’t want any of these people to be my president. The only one I resonated with at all was Senator Jim Webb and he must have had really bad make-up help, because he looked so washed out I felt sorry for him. His looks reminded me of the first Nixon-Kennedy debate where Nixon refused make-up and thus looked so bad on television it was difficult to hear what he was saying.
Near the close of last night’s Republican Debate I told Carol (my wife), “I think I could vote for any one of these candidates if they became the nominee. Maybe even Donald Trump” (I'm not so sure about the last part of that statement.)
I’m Rick Blumenberg, and politically speaking from the heartland, that’s

  My View from Tanner Creek.

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